A Guide to Professional Tree Care Services

You may not realise it, but trees are a big part of our lives. They're just one of the ways that Mother Nature uses to make our lives much easier. They provide food, shade, and most importantly, the oxygen we breathe. That's why we should take good care of them. And who will do it better than the professionals?

Tree Risk Assessment

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This is one of the most commonly used tree services professionals give. It's crucial when it comes to building new establishments or maintaining the trees in areas such as schools, parks, resorts, universities and other public spaces. Many homeowners use this service to keep their houses and yard in good condition. Keep in mind that the professional tree risk assessment service can save your property from damage and eliminate further problems.

It's crucial to choose the right people for this task. They have the professional training, experience and knowledge that other people don’t. The arborists are trained to take care of trees and are dedicated to keeping them healthy as long as possible. They will assess the tree’s health, provide services to improve its state, and prolong its life.

The risk assessment includes several different diagnostic services. They make tree reports that include a visual inspection. This is the cheapest, simplest option and in many cases is very effective. However, they also have specialised tools and devices such as 3D imaging and resistographs. They provide a more detailed analysis of the trunk.

They can also make the plant selection and supply for your space. You can save a lot of money if you know which plants are suitable for the local weather and climate. Most of these services can make a detailed personalised plan of your planting program. Plus, they’ll give you advice on which fertilisers to use, and will you need any additives or growth promotants for your plants.

You also get advice on how to fight off insects and pests in a responsible way. If you’re not familiar with how to regulate the soil of the trees, arborists can help you with that as well. The medium in which the trees grow is key for their health and longevity. Last but not least, they will give you the proper way to deal with the tree’s crown. This way you get a healthy tree that lasts for a very long time.

Insect Control

One of the most common issues trees are insects. Even though most of them are harmless and can be good for the tree’s health, there are insects that can cause a lot of damage. Professional services can help you resolve this problem in a very short time. They inspect the problem, assess the damage and give you a solution to the issue.

If it’s possible, they first go with a more natural treatment to remove the insects. If this is not an option and they need to use chemicals, they do it carefully without damaging the tree and its surroundings. They also make follow-up inspections and assessments to make sure the treatment works and there’s no further damage.

Elm Beetle Treatment

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Elm beetles are one of the most common insect problems. As soon as you notice small circular holes in the leaves of your trees call the professionals. They'll make a tree risk assessment and help you deal with these pests. If you don’t know what an elm beetle looks like, it’s around 5cm long, has a brown-green body and usually 2 stripes.

They’re most active from November to the end of February. If you act quickly, you can save your tree from a lot of damage. If left untreated, the eggs will hatch into larvae and soon become more elm beetle adults that cause more damage such as discolouration and skeletonization of the leaves and defoliation.

Professionals deal with this problem in several ways depending on the condition of the tree. The first method is trunk injection. It's one of the most practical and eco-friendly options. Arborists inject imidacloprid into the trunk. This kills the beetles with just one small bite of the tree.

Another way to do it is with Foliar sprays. It's usually done on young trees twice a year. Non-chemical control banding is the third method. This is an approach that traps larvae that move around the trunk. It requires adhesive tape wrapped around the trunk with the sticky side up. In any case, the professionals will know which method to use depending on the tree size and the month you’re in.

Tree Pruning

The tree assessments may include the removal of the tree’s dead branches. If the tree is old, damaged or very ill, there’s no point in keeping those branches on. They can only cause more damage and degrade the whole tree. With pruning, they encourage growth and flower and fruit production.

Pruning is usually done twice a year. The ones that bloom in spring are pruned in summer. And the ones blooming in summer are pruned during the winter or in spring. There's a whole process of 3 steps that includes a lot of measurement and clean, precise cuts. Professionals know when and how to do it so don’t risk it on your own.

Stump Grinding

Stump grinding is a process where professionals remove the tree’s stump and leave the roots underground. They use a specialised tool called a stump grinder. It's a machine not everyone can own and use. Professionals have the experience and knowledge to do it in a safe and efficient manner. They'll protect the surroundings, make sure no one is hurt and get the job done.

Tree Removal

If the tree assessment shows that the tree can’t be saved, it should be cut down. Otherwise, it can be dangerous for the environment. Removing a tree by yourself is tricky when you don’t have the right knowledge or tools. So, hiring professionals should be the first thing you do.

The process starts with the assessment of the tree and its surroundings. Next, they clear the area of possible obstacles and objects that can be damaged during the process. Then, one of the professionals climbs the tree and cuts branches with a chainsaw. Next comes the trunk. Once it’s all removed they collect the debris, leaving clean space for whatever you’ve planned next.