Everything You Need to Know About Tree Removal

Every once in a while, one or two trees in your yard will need to be removed. Just like any other living thing they have an expiring date and when their time comes, it's best to call for tree removal services. This is a process where the tree is cut and it falls down, hence the other term for its "felling". Hiring professionals is the safest option in this case because it can be a difficult task if you don't have the right knowledge and tools to do it.

What's Tree Removal?

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Although it’s self-explanatory, tree removal is the process of cutting a tree for the purpose of removing it completely. This is a necessary process that has to happen at some point. It might be to make a place for construction, to remove a sick or damaged tree for safety reasons, to get lumber for fuel or timber and much more.

Although many people think they can do it on their own, it’s always a better idea to hire a reliable tree-felling service. Using saws and axes on your own can be dangerous. This is a process that requires following steps and precise cuts. And if you don’t have the proper tools or knowledge, you can get hurt or damage the property.

How to Prepare

As a homeowner, you should prepare for the tree removal. There are several steps you should follow. The number one thing is to find a reputable cutting service. If you haven’t done this before, don’t rush. Take your time to ask around. Ask your friends, and your neighbours if they have previous experiences. If they did, what company did they use and were they satisfied with the service?

Don't forget to research the company. Look through their reviews and comments from previous customers. They can help you get a good idea of who to hire and who to avoid. Examine the tree on your own first. Make sure that cutting it down is the right choice. Sometimes if the tree is rotten, it can change the direction of falling and this can cause some damage on your property.

Make sure you call the utility services provider so they can disconnect nearby power lines, internet cables and other possible obstructions. If this is not done, it can cause great damage to the entire neighbourhood. Always check if you need a permit to remove the tree on your property and inform your neighbours of the task.

The next step is to protect your property. If you have belongings outdoors, around the tree, make sure you remove them. If you have furniture, transfer it to a safer part of the yard. People often have pools, toys, playgrounds or tools hanging around. Clear the area so you make it much safer. Also, make space for the tree removal company and its vehicles.

Types of Tree Removal


Manual tree removal uses tools such as saws, chainsaws and axes. All of these fall into the hand-held tool category. That's how this removal got its name. This is a type of removal used on smaller, lower trees. It's also often used when the tree is in an area that’s hard to reach, where the heavy machinery doesn’t have access.

Another reason to use the manual tree felling service is that there’s a lack of power sources or using heavy equipment is prohibited. After the tree is down, workers go for limbing and bucking. This includes removing the branches (limbing) and cutting the tree trunk into equal logs (bucking).

Manual tree removal needs skilled workers. People who have the tools and knowledge to take down and prepare the tree with axes, chainsaws and saws, without damaging the surroundings or hurting anyone around. These people should assess the tree’s condition, determine the fall’s direction and make precise cuts.


Using heavy equipment like harvesters, excavators, and feller bunchers is part of mechanical felling. This is a method used when large, thick trees should be removed, and when the area has enough space for the machines to move safely and freely around. This is a faster and more efficient way to do the job compared to manual tree removal. Plus, there will be fewer workers involved.

In order to be able to cut, grab, remove and move trees and tree parts, these machines have a lot of different attachments. Some of them take it one step further and process the trees into logs or chips. This eliminates the need for transport. Mechanical tree removal needs trained and qualified operators that can handle the machines safely, properly and efficiently.

How It’s Performed?

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Not one tree removal services company will go into the cutting phase without making an elaborate plan. Having a detailed plan will make the operation much more effective and safer for everyone and everything around the trees. Usually, arborists start by examining the surroundings for any potential hazards like buildings, and determining whether the tree is leaning or sturdy.

This is a very important step of the way because it can help them control the way the tree will fall. These professionals don’t just hope for the best when they cut. Everything is calculated and there’s almost no room for mistakes. Before making the first cut, they clear out the area of branches, logs and leaves.

One arborist climbs up the tree to remove some branches. This is not a necessary step but some companies prefer to do it in some cases. Once this is done, it’s time for the big chops. They start with a notch cut at a 70-degree angle. It's done on the side that the tree will hit the ground on.

Next, they make a horizontal incision about a third into the tree. Then follows a bore cut. This is a cut made with the tip of the chainsaw. It's made on the opposite side of the notch cut and it helps the tree fall much more easily. At this point, the tree shouldn’t fall still. To complete the process, workers insert wedges into the bore cut and make the final cut on the opposite end of the first cut.

In Conclusion

Tree cutting is a complicated process that’s done by professionals. Don't be encouraged to do it on your own because it’s risky and can lead to possible serious injury and property damage. This leads to more money spent and time wasted. If you want to do it the right way, hire professionals.